Drive-thru girl: Hi, what can I get for you?
Car of hungry people: Hi, we'd like this, that and the other, but we have a few questions. What's the difference between A and B?
Drive-thru girl: Uuuuummmmmm.......B is, um bigger 'cause it has more stuff in it.
Car of hungry people: (Right.) So what's in the enchilada?
Drive-thru girl: It has, a, uh, round thingy, kind of, and, uh, it's a tort, and cheese.
Car of hungry people: So to be clear, the enchilada is a tortilla with cheese.
Drive-thru girl: Uh, yeah.
We finally communicate our order and pull ahead to retrieve said food and.......... wait for it......there's a blue bra with boobs staring at us instead of drive-thru girl.
So. If you would like partially-warm burritos, some of your order forgotten so you have to turn around and retrieve it AND a peep show. Whitecourt TT is your place.
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